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Extra Cream [Cole & Lauren]

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Extra Cream [Cole & Lauren] Empty Extra Cream [Cole & Lauren]

Post by Cole Sherman Sat Dec 31, 2011 10:27 pm

Cole opened the coffee shop door and allowed Lauren to walk through before allowing the door to close quietly behind him. He lead her to his favourite table in the corner. He pulled out a chair for her and allowed her to sit down. While Lauren seemed otherwise occupied, Cole took a moment to scan the room for aurors. "What would you like," he asked, still standing. "It's on me."
Cole Sherman
Cole Sherman
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Extra Cream [Cole & Lauren] Empty Re: Extra Cream [Cole & Lauren]

Post by Lauren Delgado Sat Dec 31, 2011 10:57 pm

Lauren noted his automatic scan of the room. This man was indeed a mystery.

"Thank you." she murmured thoughtfully.

"A macchiato, please." she smiled a little and studied his every move from the table.
Lauren Delgado
Lauren Delgado
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Extra Cream [Cole & Lauren] Empty Re: Extra Cream [Cole & Lauren]

Post by Cole Sherman Sat Dec 31, 2011 11:08 pm

Cole walked up to the counter and ordered the drinks. He ordered himself a black coffee and carried both drinks to the table. On his way back he noticed a man walk into the coffee shop, he watched this man carefully before continuing to the table with the drinks. He flashed a smile to reassure her and hopefully make her forget what she may or may not have seen, after all, he didn't want to seem suspicious. He put the drink down on the table. "Enjoy."
Cole Sherman
Cole Sherman
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Extra Cream [Cole & Lauren] Empty Re: Extra Cream [Cole & Lauren]

Post by Lauren Delgado Sun Jan 01, 2012 11:06 am

"Thanks." she smiled politely at him and sipped her coffee thoughtfully. He was on alert, always. It was strange. And strange things never lead to any good, these days. Which made Lauren all the more drawn to him.

"Where do you work, Kieran?" she asked casually, though she was testing how quickly he could think on his feet. And he probably knew that by now, too.

Lauren Delgado
Lauren Delgado
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Extra Cream [Cole & Lauren] Empty Re: Extra Cream [Cole & Lauren]

Post by Cole Sherman Sun Jan 01, 2012 12:08 pm

Cole sat down and took a sip of his coffee. It was refreshing, even if it did burn the tip of his tongue slightly.

"I'm an archaeologist," Cole answered. Luckily he had been thinking up a suitable back-story while he was at the counter. "I've recently come back from an expedition to England studying artefacts linked to medieval witchcraft."
Cole Sherman
Cole Sherman
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Extra Cream [Cole & Lauren] Empty Re: Extra Cream [Cole & Lauren]

Post by Lauren Delgado Sun Jan 01, 2012 4:40 pm

Lauren cocked her head to one side slightly while he spoke, biting her lip in both amusement and fascination.

"An archaeologist. Quite the academic, are we?" The story seemed rehearsed, almost, but not enough for Lauren to be able to point out.

"Do you travel a lot, then? Family?" she raised an eyebrow at the man before sipping her drink once more.
Lauren Delgado
Lauren Delgado
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Extra Cream [Cole & Lauren] Empty Re: Extra Cream [Cole & Lauren]

Post by Cole Sherman Sun Jan 01, 2012 5:04 pm

"I travel quite a bit," Cole replied, keeping calm and keeping down the details to avoid suspicion and of course, loopholes. "And I don't really have any family..." Cole trailed off, feeling a little down in his longing to see his father again.
Cole Sherman
Cole Sherman
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Extra Cream [Cole & Lauren] Empty Re: Extra Cream [Cole & Lauren]

Post by Lauren Delgado Sat Jan 07, 2012 4:38 pm

Lauren hummed thoughtfully. "Where have you been? Ever been to London?" she queried, bringing her coffee cup to her lips once more, eyebrow slightly raised.

"Used to?" she frowned. "Aye, I also used to have a family of my own. Weren't the best of company though, I'll admit to that." she smiled sourly, though there was a faint trace of fondness in her voice.
Lauren Delgado
Lauren Delgado
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Extra Cream [Cole & Lauren] Empty Re: Extra Cream [Cole & Lauren]

Post by Cole Sherman Sun Jan 08, 2012 10:15 am

"London?" Cole raised his eyebrows. "Not London specifically, but I have been to England."

Cole said nothing about his family, he just nodded to Lauren's response. "So where did you grow up?" he asked, continuing to make conversation.
Cole Sherman
Cole Sherman
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Extra Cream [Cole & Lauren] Empty Re: Extra Cream [Cole & Lauren]

Post by Lauren Delgado Sun Jan 08, 2012 8:08 pm

"Yes, London. Wonderful city, I've been there countless times and I still don't get bored of the place." she nodded to herself. "I would have stayed but I couldn't possibly leave Alecto- or my sisters." she murmured.

"New York's tunnels, of course. Though in my teens, I disappeared from school a bit to travel. Lets just say I wasn't up to any good." the woman smirked.
Lauren Delgado
Lauren Delgado
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Extra Cream [Cole & Lauren] Empty Re: Extra Cream [Cole & Lauren]

Post by Cole Sherman Tue Jan 10, 2012 1:49 pm

Cole raised his eyebrows. This woman certainly seemed like the type to stray from the rules, but he never expected to that extent. "Exactly what kind of 'no good' were you up to?" Cole asked, partly curious, partly flirtatious.
Cole Sherman
Cole Sherman
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Extra Cream [Cole & Lauren] Empty Re: Extra Cream [Cole & Lauren]

Post by Lauren Delgado Thu Jan 12, 2012 3:40 pm

"Ah." she tapped her nose. "Now that, my friend, would be giving away a secret." she whispered. One that not even her sisters knew. The woman had become one of the most successful con artists in the world during high school. Of course, she had officially retired from the business- but was often called back. Usually about twice per week.

Well, she had at least tried to turn away from it. But it was oh so much fun.
Lauren Delgado
Lauren Delgado
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Extra Cream [Cole & Lauren] Empty Re: Extra Cream [Cole & Lauren]

Post by Cole Sherman Fri Jan 13, 2012 3:37 pm

Cole leaned forward and half-smiled. "Well telling the secret is always the best part." he leant back in his chair and took a sip of his coffee. He looked into his cup afterwards and found that he had finished. He slid the mug into the centre of the table.
Cole Sherman
Cole Sherman
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Extra Cream [Cole & Lauren] Empty Re: Extra Cream [Cole & Lauren]

Post by Lauren Delgado Fri Jan 13, 2012 4:00 pm

"Touché." Lauren smirked, then looked the man up and down. She could always just tell him. It would be interesting to actually discuss it with someone, for once. Besides, it wasn't hard to Obliviate him if he caused any trouble. There was just something about him that drew her in. Something about him that made her want to talk.

"I joined my aunt in her business. She's a con artist." she murmured, and sipped her coffee nonchalantly. Depending on his reaction, she may just ask him to the End of Fall Ball. The woman shrugged mentally. He was interesting, and his face was good. What else was required for a date? Not much, really.
Lauren Delgado
Lauren Delgado
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Extra Cream [Cole & Lauren] Empty Re: Extra Cream [Cole & Lauren]

Post by Cole Sherman Fri Jan 13, 2012 4:28 pm

Cole chuckled. "Nice," he folded his arms tilted his head. "The rebels are always more interesting. Being good has it's benefits, but there are never as many stories to tell." Cole looked at Lauren with concentration as he wondered whether or not to divulge any information about his past. He shook out of his thoughts as he realised that he would be a fool to say anything.
Cole Sherman
Cole Sherman
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Extra Cream [Cole & Lauren] Empty Re: Extra Cream [Cole & Lauren]

Post by Lauren Delgado Sat Jan 14, 2012 10:21 pm

Lauren hummed in agreement, downing the last of her coffee and setting it on the table. "Being just gets too boring, don't you think?" she drawled.

"And where did you grow up, Kieran?" she raised an eyebrow at him, leaning back in her chair and crossing her legs, placing her hands neatly in her lap.

"Mm.." she trailed off, leaning back forwards and resting her face on her palm, studying him closely once more.

"Kieran, you wouldn't mind me doing a favour for me, would you?"
Lauren Delgado
Lauren Delgado
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Extra Cream [Cole & Lauren] Empty Re: Extra Cream [Cole & Lauren]

Post by Cole Sherman Sun Jan 15, 2012 7:09 am

Cole was growing used to thinking on his feet. "I grew up in Ohio." he lied calmly. He thought that going into too much detail would look odd, so he left it at that.

"A favour? Well that depends what it is." he said, momentarily wondering why she was calling him Kieran and about to correct her before he remembered and stopped.
Cole Sherman
Cole Sherman
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Extra Cream [Cole & Lauren] Empty Re: Extra Cream [Cole & Lauren]

Post by Lauren Delgado Sun Jan 15, 2012 3:16 pm

"With who?" she pressed, determined to catch hm out somehow.

"You wouldnt mind being my partner for Alecto's ball, would you?" she purred.
Lauren Delgado
Lauren Delgado
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Extra Cream [Cole & Lauren] Empty Re: Extra Cream [Cole & Lauren]

Post by Cole Sherman Mon Jan 16, 2012 3:37 pm

"With my parents..." he said, as though the answer was an obvious one.

"A ball?" he said, slightly taken aback. "Yes I suppose so, it's not like I'm ever that busy, although I have an expedition to India next month." he said, remaining consistent with his back story.
Cole Sherman
Cole Sherman
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Extra Cream [Cole & Lauren] Empty Re: Extra Cream [Cole & Lauren]

Post by Lauren Delgado Mon Jan 16, 2012 5:57 pm

"No siblings? Who were your parents?" she carried on asking persistently with rehearsed nonchalance. It was fun, trying to catch him out. Almost a game.

"Excellent." the woman immediately stood from her chair.

"I'll meet you outside Alecto...Kieran." she paused. "I look forward to meeting you again." she nodded and swiftly turned on her heel and left the shop rather abruptly, only stealing a quick glance at him through the window as she walked down the tunnels.
Lauren Delgado
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Extra Cream [Cole & Lauren] Empty Re: Extra Cream [Cole & Lauren]

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