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Karl Anton

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Karl Anton Empty Karl Anton

Post by Karl Anton Mon Nov 21, 2011 5:55 pm

Full name: Karl Ivan Anton

Nickname: None atm

Age: 11

Birth place: Paris France

Current home: London England

Blood Purity: Pure

Physical Appearnce

Hair colour: Dark brown

Hair style: short and ruffled

Eye colour: Brown

Height: 4.5'

Body type: Thin and muscular

Dress style: dress shirts and jeans


Likes: Reading, studying charms

Dislikes: Annoying people, people messing up his hair

Strengths: Charms, writing

Weaknesses: flying and girls

Biography: Karl comes from a long line of pure blood wizards but is an outcast of the family for the fact that he does not believe in pure blood supremacy. He is allowed to stay in the family home as long as he works for his room and board.

Wand: Dragon heart string 7"

Pet: none (allergic to most animals)

House: Nula

Karl Anton
First Year

Posts : 1
Join date : 2011-11-21

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