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Sarah Bennet (Mukli)

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Sarah Bennet (Mukli) Empty Sarah Bennet (Mukli)

Post by Darena Anakin Sun Nov 20, 2011 6:39 pm

Basic Information
Full Name: Sarah Elaine Bennett

Nicknames: Sarah-bear.

Date of Birth: October 22

Place of Birth: Seattle, Washington

Current Home: Tacoma, Washington

Blood Purity: Pure

Physical Appearance
Hair Color: Dark brown

Hair Style: Shoulder length and curly

Height: 5'2

Body Type: Slim and slightly boyish

Dress Style: Skinny jeans, sweaters, boots, scarves, dresses, flowy tops -Artsy.

Other: Has a birthmark that covers most of her back.

Likes: Crossword puzzles, tea, adventures, mystery novels, laughing, cooking, dancing with a partner (Jiving, waltzing, etc.)

Dislikes: The smell of smoke, ignorance, cowards, turncoats, people who try to interfere with her cooking.

Strengths: Loyalty, patience, creative, clever, affectionate.

Weaknesses: Naivety, sometimes fails to see that people could hurt her, has a hard time communicating what goes on in her head.

Biography: The youngest of three siblings, two of whom are male, Sarah is used to being highly protected. As a child, she was very quiet and shy, so her brothers took it upon themselves to keep her safe from everything that they thought would hurt her. As she got older, however, their overbearing defense of her started to bother her. She had a hard time making friends because her brothers would interrogate everyone she talked to, promptly scaring them off. Eventually, she got them to stop, and things got better, but she secretly worries about what they'll do, should she ever get a boyfriend.

Mother: Tara Bennett (Nee Brown)
Father: Edison Bennett
Siblings: Percy Bennett and Niall Bennett
Spouse: None.
Children: None.

Wand: 10 inch, cedar and Dragon heartstring

Pet: An owl named Cereba

(Fill this in later when you've built relationships with your character.)
Darena Anakin
Darena Anakin
Pretty Admin

Posts : 140
Join date : 2011-11-19
Location : Georgia

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